Self Evaluation
Self Evaluation for Self Improvement
When it comes to self-improvement in the workplace, one thing that people are doing to help improve their performance is by reflecting and evaluating themselves. This process of self-evaluation can take place at an individual level or organization level. By systematically observing, analyzing, and improving one’s actions, employees can examine their strengths, weaknesses, and how they feel about work in order to improve and find solutions. It is an effective tool that employees can use to grow and align their personal, and professional, goals within the organization.
It’s not only an effective tool for the individual but the organization as well. Studies have shown that employees tend to have more loyalty towards an organization that provides them with freedom and accountability in their role - where they are in control of their daily workplace experience. Through self-evaluation, employees feel less judged. Instead, they can reflect, voice their feelings, provide honest insight, so that the employer and employee can make effective decisions. They can identify what’s working well and how to support the self-improvement of the employee. This is different from the traditional approach in which the employees are evaluated by management, which suppresses development and accountability. Through one-on-one self-evaluations, employers are also able to get a broader understanding of their employees’ needs.
Self-evaluation for self-improvement is not only a constructive skill to be used in the workplace, but in our daily lives as well. It offers a way to learn more about yourself. It allows you to assess your skills, talents, and areas in which you need improvement so that you can make better decisions towards a lifestyle you want to live.
Are you ready to take steps towards self-improvement? If so, contact Seed Sower Personal Development. Seed Sower Personal Development provides mentoring services to low-income persons, and to returning citizens to help them in their effort to adopt an alternative outlook toward life.